Atollic and Quadros Systems Partner to Offer RTOS-Aware Debugging

The Atollic® TrueSTUDIO® C/C++ embedded development suite for ARM® microcontrollers now offers debug visibility for the RTXC™ Quadros™ real-time operating system. Thirteen dockable windows provide deep insight into the status of the RTOS during a debug session. This feature is included in Atollic TrueSTUDIO v4.1 which was just released last week. (click on images for larger view) Get more information here Atollic® TrueSTUDIO® is the leading C/C++ development tool for ARM® developers, reducing time to market and increasing efficiency in your next embedded systems project. Atollic TrueSTUDIO is based on one of the most widely used compilers in the world, thus providing proven and reliable code generation, compact code and high performance for ARM7™, ARM9™ and ARM Cortex™ projects. Atollic TrueSTUDIO conforms to open standards, such as the ECLIPSE™ IDE framework and the GNU toolchain, significantly reducing training and porting costs across teams and projects. More information on Atollic TrueSTUDIO can be found here:   ...

Biggest problems for embedded systems developers?

A recent thread in the Real Time Embedded Engineering Group on LinkedIn raised some interesting issues among developers when they were asked about their most difficult problem areas. Do these sound familiar? Unrealistic development schedules set by managers who don’t understand development Deficient documentation of the processor Insufficient errata; struggling with a problem for two years, contacted the manufacturer with no result, and 1 year later there is the errata. Finding and resolving timing issues Weak or poor tools: debuggers, emulators Bosses expecting if I kneel or spend time with the device it may relent and start working Learning NEVER to use a device/processor/controller if there aren’t many ‘how to, why, when” questions on Google. The device is too good to be true or else you end being the only using and fighting the problem. Low level debugging and overall performance of the system Hardware/software co-development. Finding root causes when both the code and the hardware are suspect. A paucity of available low-level-embedded example code Hardware debugging, especially during software integration on a new design where all hardware unit tests showed OK but putting it altogether creates a side effect. A badly written device driver delivered with the H/W; caused havoc and a delay of more than 4 months S/W interface which was way too complex to interpret on an embedded system Of course at Quadros Systems we would argue that starting with the right software platform can make a big difference. RTXC Quadros RTOS-based software is delivered fully integrated with working drivers and interfaces with a binding to your chosen tool environment. Start with the provided sample project and you are good to go. Our Release Notes with tool caveats can reduce the learning curve up front, and save valuable time when development crunch time begins. We know our customers save weeks, if not months, over developing a product using free or poorly tested software. Find out more about how Quadros Systems can save you time and aggravation. ...

Are you well-positioned for the Internet of Things?

Kaivan Karimi of Freescale has written an excellent overview of the Internet of Things (IoT): “Will the Internet of Things (IoT) turn your smart phone into the center of the universe?” We agree with his assessment that the smart phone may be one of the many hubs or gateways used to query or analyze Big Data from sensing and other smart devices but it is much more likely that Wi-Fi and Weightless will win out as the networks of choice for IoT over the LTE network (or its successors). Wireless network operators are clearly positioning themselves as key players in the evolving IoT space as are Internet ISPs and cable providers. And Verizon is well positioned in telematics, as well. But The IoT future is much larger than connecting consumer appliances and personal information devices. And it is larger than telematics. Karimi says that rolling out IoT is like rolling out the largest control data network in the world: Home Automation, Education, Supply Chain, Auto Safety, Security, Goods Tracking, Farms, Energy Management, Transportation, Health, Lighting–these are only some of the sub-networks that will form the massive IoT. Chris Rezendez from INEX Advisors writes in the March 12 Issue of the Boston Business Journal, “IoT, M2M connected device solutions are about as broad as you can imagine. All form factor, configuration and functional footprint of unattended, headless, embedded and discrete devices with some combination of sensing, processing and communications.” Quadros Systems has been active in smart devices and intelligent gateways for many years. Our customers are already building out early IoT networks on factory floors, in smart buildings, in hospitals and clinics. And we have new developments underway for network security and enhanced wireless connectivity. As Rezendez writes, “The people and organizations that heard the gun go off months, or years ago who are hard at work on the nth generation of their solution, expanding into their phase II markets, and simply going about the business of building out IoT and M2M markets.” Find out more about how Quadros Systems can help position you for success in this active and growing market space.   ...

Why would anyone pay for an RTOS or other embedded software?

Maybe this is a question you have asked.  Maybe it’s a question you live by. After all, why pay for software when you can download something similar at no cost? You’ve heard it before but you do get what you pay for. That doesn’t mean that a free RTOS is worthless. What it does mean is that you are on your own. Maybe you’re the hero type; a talented embedded engineer that can code yourself out of any situation. Maybe you trust the “community” to help you out if you get into trouble. Maybe you are a newbie and a bit naive about the complexity of embedded development. It’s not really free. What I mean is that it may be free to you (to use) but somebody paid for it. Maybe it was a microcontroller supplier trying to lure you in to using their platform. User beware; you could be locking yourself in to an software platform with limited functionality & support and no upgrade path. Or maybe the license locks you in to a particular processor supplier. What if you want to change? What about middleware? So you downloaded a free RTOS but then you realize you need USB or TCP/IP or a file system? What do you do? License a bunch of software pieces from different suppliers and then piece them together? At Quadros Systems you are purchasing value and expertise, with years of embedded development expertise. A company that will stand by you, to get you through those days when you are stuck on a difficult problem and behind schedule. Developing reliable embedded systems is not easy. The smallest integration detail or incorrect parameter can take weeks to debug. Getting the right advice at the beginning of your project can be of critical importance. At Quadros Systems we take the time to understand your project and the assumptions and requirements behind it. And then we try to match our software to what you need. If we don’t have it, we won’t try to force-fit a substandard solution to make a sale. Want to work with an RTOS company that cares about results? Contact us at +1 832-351-2830, use our information request form to tell us about your project, or send an email to Get more information about the Quadros Difference here. ...

RTOS Explained: Understanding Event Flags

To fully understand event flags it will be helpful to read the previous blog entry on semaphores since both semaphores and event flags are techniques used by RTOSes for synchronizing tasks. Semaphores and event flags must have the inherent capability to capture and retain information about an event’s occurrence since the system may be otherwise occupied when the event happened. Event flags are bits and the usual way of handling them is to group them into larger data elements. Different efficiencies can be obtained with different sizes, so it is not uncommon to see one RTOS that uses an event flag grouping of a byte and others that use a short or a word. Whatever the grouping, it is usually called an event group. The application developer assigns the association of flags in the group to their related events. At time of initialization, the common procedure is to set all flags in an event group to a value, indicating that the associated events have not occurred. From there on, the content of the event group at any given moment is a joint effort between the tasks that use it and the operating system. The system may set a flag to indicate the event’s occurrence but it is usually the responsibility of the task to cause the flag to be reset. This shared responsibility exposes the vulnerability of event flags – if the task doesn’t reset the flag before the next event arrives, an event can be lost, which can have varying degrees of consequence. While there is that glaring vulnerability, event flags still have some very attractive features. For one, it is very simple to perform logical testing of the flags. A task can test on a certain configuration of flags in an event group and wait if that condition is not met. Testing on the logical OR condition of a set of event flags allows a task to wait until any one of the events occurs and to identify which one simply and easily. In the same way a task can wait for a logical AND condition in which all of the event in a set must occur before the waiting task can proceed. Event flags can be designed so that they are reset upon a trigger or left intact so that the testing task can determine which one of them happened. This is most likely to be the case when using a set of event flags in a logical OR manner. When the testing task has made its determination as to which event triggered the task’s release, it must issue a request to reset them in order to prepare for the next occurrences. When the event flags are used in a logical AND condition, the task does not get triggered until all of the events in the set have occurred, leaving no question about which events happened. In this condition, resetting of the event flags can be managed by the system to reset on triggering, which is much less likely to run into the race condition one can easily encounter if the task resets the event flags in an Or condition. So within the boundaries of response time for the various events and their frequency of occurrence, event flags can be a very useful object for managing events and synchronizing with them. While event flags are easy to use, one downside to their use is that it can be difficult to process an event deterministically. For system designs where the event groups are available to all tasks, it is possible (and quite likely) that a single event group may hold event flags that are tested by multiple tasks. Such usage demands that each task have a unique testing trigger set up for that event group. When any one of the events in the group occurs, the set of triggering conditions must be examined to see if any of the triggers have occurred. It might be a bounded operation dependent on the number of triggering conditions in action, but it is not deterministic. Event flag objects can be included in an RTOS with a minor increase in code footprint. For that reason alone, they are worthwhile to include provided that the vulnerability to event loss is not a concern. ...

RTOS Explained: Understanding Semaphores

A fundamental requirement of a competent multitasking system is a flexible means to detect occurrence of an event and then to synchronize a task with that event (external or internal; synchronous or asynchronous). The requirement is usually met by either semaphores or event flags. Whichever object type is used (and some RTOSes support both) their purposes are identical: synchronize a task as near as possible to the actual time of the event’s occurrence. Semaphores and event flags must have the inherent capability to capture and retain information about an event’s occurrence since the system may be otherwise occupied when the event happened. This is known as event memory. The methodology for this event memory constitutes the primary difference between semaphores and event flags. The term “semaphore” is derived from the nautical use of signaling flags to spell out messages in which the message’s characters are based on the position of the two flags, the semaphores. Except for the concept of signaling, the analogy ends there. In the world of computing, there are many variations to how semaphores are designed and operate, especially in conjunction with real-time operating systems. The most commonly used semaphore model is one that has a counter and a set of tasks that are waiting on the associated event. This is the counting semaphore model and it is found in most commercial RTOS products today. The count element of the semaphore serves as the event memory. In its basic implementation, the semaphore’s count increments each time its associated event occurs and decrements it each time a task tests it when its count is greater than zero. A count greater than 0, means events have happened for which tasks have not yet tested. A count of 0 means that no events have occurred since the last time the semaphore was tested. The set of waiter tasks is a record of those tasks that are waiting for the event to occur before proceeding further. Of course, it is not necessary to wait on an event if it has not occurred at the time of the test. It is certainly possible for a task to poll a semaphore and to continue processing depending on whether the associated event has or has not happened. That’s not usually what is considered good design, so let’s put it aside and focus on how the semaphore would normally be used. When the counting semaphore is initialized, its count element and the set of waiting tasks are cleared to null states. If a task tests the semaphore associated with an event and it has not yet occurred, its count isn’t changed but the task becomes blocked and is added to the set of waiters. When the event eventually occurs, the semaphore’s count is incremented by 1. And if it has waiters, one or more of them can be resumed, depending on the design of the system. But regardless of the manner in which the system releases waiter tasks, the semaphore’s count would be reduced by 1.  In the RTXC Quadros kernel, the application developer may choose to have waiting tasks released from the semaphore’s set of waiting tasks in priority order or all at once. If, on the other hand, the event occurs before a task has come around to testing for it, the count element is incremented by one, setting the semaphore’s event memory. When the next test of the semaphore occurs, the operating system reduces the semaphore’s count by 1 and allows the testing task to continue without loss of CPU control. A semaphore may be organized in various ways and takes various amounts of RAM, depending on that organization. Some counting semaphores can be organized as a single byte, others can require many more. Regardless of the organization, the counting semaphores’ can accurately maintain the count of multiple occurrences of the associated event without losing even one. This is one of the reasons the RTXC Quadros kernel uses counting semaphores as the primary mechanism for synchronizing tasks with those events. Variations on this basic semaphore permit multiple semaphores to be signaled when one event occurs. Likewise, one task can synchronize with any one of a set of events to occur by waiting on their respective semaphores, producing a logical OR condition. There are other types of semaphore testing options. One is to have the testing task blocked for a certain number of ticks (instead of an indeterminate wait). In RTXC Quadros kernel, it is permissible to set a semaphore’s count to a negative value in order to have tasks wait for multiple occurrences of the associated event before being triggered. The RTXC Quadros RTOS also allows semaphores to be associated with events in other classes. For instance, a semaphore can be associated with an alarm’s expiration or an empty queue receiving an entry. This provides additional synchronizing flexibility that allows disparate objects to be logically combined so that the developer can trigger a task to start at some determined period when any one of them occurs. ...

RTOS Explained: Understanding Critical Regions

Critical Regions and the Effect on RTOS Responsiveness A key design concern for any RTOS is that of its responsiveness to interrupts. Because an interrupt can occur at any time, the RTOS must be prepared to recognize the interrupt as quickly as possible and then accommodate the interrupt service routine (ISR) that handles it. The issue becomes one of managing the internal data structures of the kernel in such a way that regardless of what is executing at the time of the interrupt, none of those data structures get corrupted. The time-honored way of preventing data corruption in an RTOS is to make use of one or more critical regions in places where an interruption of processing flow within a kernel service and possible reentrancy might lead to damage. The critical region can assume several forms but it is primarily a section of code that executes with interrupts disabled. The critical region starts by disabling interrupts and ends by enabling them. In between, the code can execute without fear of interruption and hence, corruption. There are various ways to disable and enable interrupts, especially those processors that have multiple levels, making critical regions a bit more complex. But for now, let’s just keep it simple for the sake of clarity. Because critical regions disable interrupts, system responsiveness is greatly affected by the duration of the critical region (if any) that is in effect at the time an interrupt occurs. Simply put, the shorter the critical region, the better the system’s responsiveness. If a task is interrupted in the middle of a kernel service it has invoked, there is a good chance that the kernel’s data structures are in a state of flux at the time of the interrupt. Without the kernel executing the code that keeps the data structure pristine, the interrupt and its ISR could invoke a kernel service that totally corrupts the data structure, leading to les than desirable results for both the task and the ISR. Obviously, such situations must be avoided. Thus, when designing an RTOS one has to make a fundamental decision as to how kernel services are to be treated at the interrupt level. There are basically two choices and both are legitimate. Allow ISRs to make kernel service requests just like a task with the exception that an ISR cannot block, (i.e., wait for a service to reach completion such as waiting to get data from an empty queue). ISRs can only issue kernel service requests from a limited set of services that restricts what the ISR can do/change in the system. The first choice naturally leads to a reentrant kernel and great flexibility because tasks and ISRs are treated the same, with that one exception about waiting. That flexibility comes at a price of designing kernel services that require lengthy critical regions in order to protect the underlying data structures in the kernel. An ISR must not be allowed to corrupt an internal data structure in use by a task at the time of the interrupt. Thus, any and all parts of the kernel service code that would be vulnerable to the ISR must be protected by one or more critical regions. Hence, the critical region may be rather large, leading to reduced interrupt responsiveness. So there is a trade-off: Great coding flexibility for reduced responsiveness. The second design choice limits the capability of the kernel services that may be invoked from an ISR. By making such a restriction, the kernel designer can precisely determine how a task’s use of a service and its underlying data structures would be vulnerable to an ISR. There are still critical regions to consider but the design generally results in fewer and smaller critical regions, making this choice more responsive to interrupts. The trade-off for this concept then is: Reduced flexibility for improved responsiveness. While both of these choices are legitimate, the RTXC Quadros RTOS uses the second choice in the belief that responsiveness is preferable to ISR coding flexibility, provided that there is a reasonable set of kernel services available to the ISR designer. And, of course, RTXC Quadros RTOS does provide such a set of kernel services using the same form as services available to tasks but with name space separation. Task services have a prefix of KS_ while the services available to ISRs have a prefix of IS_. Given these two choices and how they can affect an RTOS design, it should be pointed out that it is also possible to create an RTOS design that reduces the number of critical regions in the entire kernel to only a few, perhaps two or three. The resulting design, while atypical, can mitigate the undesirable elements of the two choices just described yielding an RTOS that is highly responsive to interrupts and has high ISR coding flexibility through a common set of kernel services for tasks and ISRs. ...

RTOS Explained: Understanding Counters and Alarms

One of the valuable feature of a real-time operating system is the ability to count and then to take action at certain defined values of an associated counter. Most RTOSes count only a single independent variable, time, denominated in the unit of time each tick represents. But the RTXC Quadros RTOS provides a more flexible approach to counting because time is not the only independent variable one is likely to encounter in a real-time system. The RTXC Quadros RTOS certainly accommodates time, represented by periodic events, but it can also handle aperiodic events that represent independent variables such as angular rotation or flow. Why is this important? Imagine having to keep track of rotational speed of an automobile’s engine or the volume of fluid flowing through a positive displacement meter with only time as your independent variable. All sorts of transformations would be required, each with its own built-in errors. But if there were a tick representing increments of angular displacement, measuring angular velocity or RPMs on an engine is significantly easier. Likewise, if each tick from a PD meter represented some known volume, flow rate and volume become very straightforward and more accurate. To allow more degrees of design freedom to system developers, the RTXC Quadros RTOS uses a hierarchy of classes to count and keep track of ticks. At the highest level in the hierarchy, there is an Event Source, representing some base count frequency. One or more Counters can be associated with the parent Event Source. The user defines the units of the Counter and the number of Event Source ticks that represent one Counter tick. In this way, it is easy to divide down a higher frequency into a lower one. Using time as an example, an Event Source might provide a fixed rate of 1000 ticks per second (1 kHz), which would allow a counter representing 1 millisecond if each Event Source tick was treated as a Counter tick. And if another Counter associated with that same Event Source used 1000 Event Source ticks as one Counter tick, its units would be denominated in seconds (1 Hz). Thus, if a Counter is incremented at a regular rate, then it can represent time. Normally, the units are milliseconds but others are possible. And the Counter doesn’t have to start at zero. A task can set up a Counter to begin counting from a specified base value, making a time base such as Base Universal Time very simple to achieve. Many applications need to know the number of ticks that occurred between two events. Two kernel calls are required: the first to establish the starting value and the second to get the number of ticks (from whatever counter) that have elapsed between two events, returning the difference in number of ticks from the initial event. Some RTOSes must continually poll their counters to check the value. The RTXC Quadros uses an Alarm class for generalized counting management as the third member of the counting hierarchy. This solution allows any Counter to be the parent of an Alarm with its units denominated in the units of the parent Counter. Thus, both periodic and aperiodic alarming is possible. If you need an alarm every 0.5 litres of volume flowing through a given meter without regard to instantaneous flow rate, having an alarm to tell you when it occurs is a real improvement over some traditional RTOS capabilities. The concept of alarming, however, is rather simple. An Alarm is defined to occur at a particular value of an associated Counter. When the counter reaches the value that matches the expiration point of the alarm, an action can take place, such as resuming a task that was waiting for the alarm to expire. There are two basic types of Alarm objects in the RTXC Quadros RTOS: One-shot Alarm:  An Alarm that is defined for one and only pone point of expiry, upon which the alarm becomes inactive and can only be re-armed by explicit action via a kernel service before it can be used again. Cyclic Alarm: An Alarm having an initial period and a recycle period. The first point of expiration is at the end of the initial period, after which the Alarm is automatically reset to the recycle period for each expiration thereafter until the Alarm is cancelled. At the expiration of an alarm, whether one-shot or cyclic, it is possible to synchronize that event by resuming a task waiting for that event, signaling a semaphore, etc. The expiration of an alarm can also cause a RTXC Thread to be scheduled directly or indirectly. Through these synchronization mechanisms, it is not necessary to spend non-productive processor cycles polling the alarm to see if it has expired. As a result, a deterministic response to an alarm expiration is possible. No special CPU resources are required for alarms or their associated counters. In fact, it is possible to define an internal event as the system tick event. The counting hierarchy does not distinguish between an event tick from an internal or an external source. Obviously, most applications make use of some sort of periodic interrupt for the system time tick. It is up to the user to define the source of such a tick. ...

RTOS Explained: Understanding Kernel Services

Kernel services (sometimes referred to as systems calls or functions) are used to cause the kernel to operate on the data of the kernel objects to achieve the desired behavior of the application code. Knowledge of how these data structures work is fundamental to building real-time application systems around the RTXC Quadros RTOS product. To function consistently and predictably a real-time operating system must be based on a set of rules. These rules permit software processes to operate and gain access to system resources in an orderly manner. Kernel services embody and enforce these rules to ensure the necessary order in the application processes that use them. Time is the most difficult and unforgiving resource managed by the kernel. Kernel services must be designed and coded to require minimal execution time yet remain predictable. Execution speed of the kernel services determines the responsiveness of the system to changes in the physical process. Here are just a few examples of RTXC Quadros kernel services: KS_TestSemaT   Test a semaphore and wait for a specified number of ticks on a specified counter if the semaphore is not DONE. KS_YieldTask  Yield to the next ready task of the same priority. KS_OpenQueue  Allocate and name a dynamic queue. KS_ReceiveMsgT  Receive a message from a mailbox. If the mailbox is empty, wait a specified number of ticks for a message. KS_AllocBlkW  Allocate a block of memory. If the partition is empty, wait for an available block. KS_UseMutx  Look up a dynamic mutex by name and mark it for use. XX_AllocSysRAM  Allocate a block of system RAM. A rich set of kernel services means less code for you to write. In the case of the RTXC Quadros RTOS you have access to more than 330 services. And, like the 88 keys on a piano that provide a seemingly infinite variety of music, you can use these kernel services in an almost infinite number of combinations to meet the specific need of your embedded applications. In the RTXC Quadros RTOS User Manual each kernel service is described in detail with example code. ...

RTOS Explained: Preemptive Scheduling

The RTXC Quadros multistack RTOS supports three scheduling methods that may be used in whatever combination the developer requires. Preemptive Round Robin Time-Sliced Today we will discuss the topic of preemptive scheduling. To achieve efficient CPU utilization a multitasking RTOS uses an orderly transfer of control from one code entity to another. To accomplish this the RTOS must monitor system resources and the execution state of each code entity, and it must ensure that each entity receives control of the CPU in a timely manner. The key word here is timely. A real-time system that does not perform a required operation at the correct time has failed. That failure can have consequences that range from benign to catastrophic. Response time for a request for kernel services and the execution time of these services must be fast and predictable. With such an RTOS, application program code can be designed to ensure that all needs are detected and processed. Real-time applications usually consist of several tasks (also can be called processes or threads) that require control of system resources at varying times due to external or internal events. Each task must compete with all other task for control of system resources such as memory, execution time, or peripheral devices. The developer uses the scheduling models in the RTOS to manage this “competition” between these tasks. Program code can be compute-bound (heavily dependent on CPU resources) or I/O-bound (heavily dependent on access to external devices). Program code that is I/O bound or compute bound cannot be allowed to monopolize a system resource if a more important task requires the same resource. There must be a way of interrupting the operation of the lesser task and granting the resource to the more important one. One method for achieving this is to assign a priority to each task. The kernel then uses this priority to determine a task’s place within the sequence of execution of other tasks. In a prioritized system the highest priority task that is ready is given control of the processor. Tasks of lower priority must wait and, even when running, may have their execution preempted by a task of higher priority. When a task completes its operation or blocks (waits for something to happen before it can continue) it releases the CPU. The scheduler in the RTOS then looks for the next highest priority code entity that is ready to run and assigns it control of the CPU. In this preemptive scheduling model a task must be in one of four states: Running – the task is in control of the CPU Ready – the task is not blocked and is ready to receive control of the CPU when the scheduling policy indicates it is the highest priority task in the system that is not blocked Inactive – the task is blocked and requires initialization in order to become ready. Blocked – the task is waiting for something to happen or for a resource to become available. Preemptive Scheduling in Summary Each Task has a priority relative to all other tasks The most critical Task is assigned the highest priority The highest priority Task that is ready to run gets control of the processor A Task runs until it yields, terminates, or blocks Each Task has its own memory stack Before a Task can run it must load its context from its memory stack (this can take many cycles) If a Task is preempted it must save its current state/context; this context is  restored when the Task is given control of the processor Further reading Read our previous blog post on Run-to-Completion Threads Download the whitepaper: 10 Questions to Ask Your RTOS Vendor Visit the RTXC Quadros RTOS information page ...