Kaivan Karimi of Freescale has written an excellent overview of the Internet of Things (IoT): “Will the Internet of Things (IoT) turn your smart phone into the center of the universe?” We agree with his assessment that the smart phone may be one of the many hubs or gateways used to query or analyze Big Data from sensing and other smart devices but it is much more likely that Wi-Fi and Weightless will win out as the networks of choice for IoT over the LTE network (or its successors). Wireless network operators are clearly positioning themselves as key players in the evolving IoT space as are Internet ISPs and cable providers. And Verizon is well positioned in telematics, as well. But The IoT future is much larger than connecting consumer appliances and personal information devices. And it is larger than telematics. Karimi says that rolling out IoT is like rolling out the largest control data network in the world: Home Automation, Education, Supply Chain, Auto Safety, Security, Goods Tracking, Farms, Energy Management, Transportation, Health, Lighting–these are only some of the sub-networks that will form the massive IoT. Chris Rezendez from INEX Advisors writes in the March 12 Issue of the Boston Business Journal, “IoT, M2M connected device solutions are about as broad as you can imagine. All form factor, configuration and functional footprint of unattended, headless, embedded and discrete devices with some combination of sensing, processing and communications.” Quadros Systems has been active in smart devices and intelligent gateways for many years. Our customers are already building out early IoT networks on factory floors, in smart buildings, in hospitals and clinics. And we have new developments underway for network security and enhanced wireless connectivity. As Rezendez writes, “The people and organizations that heard the gun go off months, or years ago who are hard at work on the nth generation of their solution, expanding into their phase II markets, and simply going about the business of building out IoT and M2M markets.” Find out more about how Quadros Systems can help position you for success in this active and growing market space. ...
RTOS Source code vs. Object Libraries
Why would anyone pay for an RTOS or other embedded software?
Maybe this is a question you have asked. Maybe it’s a question you live by. After all, why pay for software when you can download something similar at no cost? You’ve heard it before but you do get what you pay for. That doesn’t mean that a free RTOS is worthless. What it does mean is that you are on your own. Maybe you’re the hero type; a talented embedded engineer that can code yourself out of any situation. Maybe you trust the “community” to help you out if you get into trouble. Maybe you are a newbie and a bit naive about the complexity of embedded development. It’s not really free. What I mean is that it may be free to you (to use) but somebody paid for it. Maybe it was a microcontroller supplier trying to lure you in to using their platform. User beware; you could be locking yourself in to an software platform with limited functionality & support and no upgrade path. Or maybe the license locks you in to a particular processor supplier. What if you want to change? What about middleware? So you downloaded a free RTOS but then you realize you need USB or TCP/IP or a file system? What do you do? License a bunch of software pieces from different suppliers and then piece them together? At Quadros Systems you are purchasing value and expertise, with years of embedded development expertise. A company that will stand by you, to get you through those days when you are stuck on a difficult problem and behind schedule. Developing reliable embedded systems is not easy. The smallest integration detail or incorrect parameter can take weeks to debug. Getting the right advice at the beginning of your project can be of critical importance. At Quadros Systems we take the time to understand your project and the assumptions and requirements behind it. And then we try to match our software to what you need. If we don’t have it, we won’t try to force-fit a substandard solution to make a sale. Want to work with an RTOS company that cares about results? Contact us at +1 832-351-2830, use our information request form to tell us about your project, or send an email to info@quadros.com. Get more information about the Quadros Difference here. ...